Saturday, 2 April 2016

Top 15 phrases to learn before travelling to Indonesia:

Indonesia is filled with countless wonders of nature and with some of the most mesmerizing spots around the ASEAN region, it attracts tourists from all over the world. Travelling to Indonesia is all well and fine but the trip would be made much easy if we learned a few handful phrases it would make our lives adapting in the new environment much easier. Here are a few phrases that ae quite commonly used.

1. How are you? - Apa Khabar? (Up pa Ka bar)

2. Thank you – Terima Kasih(Ter ee ma Ka see)

3. Excuse me – Permisi (Per mee see)

4. Sorry – Maaf (Ma uf)

5. What is this?  - Apa ini? (Up pa In ni?)

6. How much for this? - Berapa Harganya? (Berr up pa Har ga ni ya)

7. Oh no! Very expensive! Can you go lower? - Aduh! Mahal sekali! Bisa kurang sedikit? (A doh Ma hull Se ka li Bee sa Ku rung se dee kit)  Useful for when bargaining; which will often happen on some of the islands.

8. Do you use a meter?  - Pakai meter? (Puck kai me ter)   Useful to prevent getting ripped off by taxi drivers.

9. Toilet – Kamar kecil (Come are Ke chill)

10. Help – Tolong (Tow long)

11. You're welcome – Kembali (come ba li)

12. ...Want –  Mau (Mow)

13. No – Tidak (Tee duck)

14. Water – Air (I err)

15. Where? - Di mana? (Dee Mun na)

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