Tuesday, 12 April 2016

What is the Zika Virus?

The most recent worry healthwise for travellers is the Zika Virus. The known cause of the disease is caused by the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. The spread of the disease occurs when a mosquito bites an infected person and contracts the virus. The virus travels into their system and into the mosquitoes saliva which is then secreted into the victim before they feed.

Victims normally get a series of fever, rashes, joint pain and conjunctivitis (red eye). These symptoms are similar to those of dengue and the illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting a few days to a week after contraction. Not many rarely die of Zika and they don't get extremely to warrant hospital attention. However, once a person is infected, he or she is likely to be protected from future infections although the accuracy of this is being researched on.

There is currently no vaccine for the disease and treatment is still being researched. While no major side or after effects of the disease is recorded. A major outbreak in Brazil have called for the concern of many people especially pregnant females or those of whom are trying to get pregnant. This concern is due to the fact that virus can cause microcephaly – damage to the brain or smaller size of the brain – amongst the offspring of women who were inflicted with the virus during their pregnancy.

The Zika virus can also be transmitted sexually although many believe it is mostly spread through the mosquitoes. There are ways to treat the sickness if infected and fever occurs.

. Get lots of rest
. Keep hydrated
. Take medication to decrease the temperature
. Stay away from drugs
. Follow the instructions of the doctor to avoid consuming over-lapping medication

We hope a cure for the Zika virus can be found soon so the widespread of this disease will cease and it is best to take care of our health as our bodies are an important asset of ours, beware of mosquito infested areas or look up travel destinations to ensure they are safe for travel. Till next time, safe travels everyone!!

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