Monday, 18 April 2016

Unhygienic places on a plane:


It's without question that the lavatory would be the most unhygienic place on a plane but when you're in the air and you need to go, the lavatory can be avoided. The seat and the flush button are the most contaminated spots in the space so be sure to flush before you wash your hand.


The armrest of the seats may have given us a lot of frustration as to who should claim ownership. But if this happens the next time, let us give it to the other person as the rest is touched by countless number of people and may not have been cleaned as often as we think.

Seatbelt and buckle

Have you looked closely at the seatbelts the last time you flew? For some planes that are older, you can see the obvious worn out fibre and the dark edges of the belt. This is proof of the things that the belt is exposed to and sometimes accidents happen and the belt may not have been cleaned.

Tray table

With all sorts of people out there, the tray table may be used for any purposes and this may not always be sanitary. Therefore, it is best we sanitize the table before take off and inform others around us to avoid dirtying the tray table while on their flight.

Overhead air – vent

While the overhead air vent is not the most dirtiest place you might imagine it to be, it does hide a lot of germs and is one of the slightly unhygienic spots on a plane. So it might be a good idea to bring along a small bottle of sanitizer or sanitizing wipes for such instances.

With that, we hope that everyone has a better idea of what spots on a plane contain more germs that other and let this serve as a reminder to us to bring along sanitizers to protect ourselves. Till next time, safe travels everyone!!

Check out some other articles that contain a longer list that the five that we have:

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