Thursday, 31 March 2016

Frustrated from planning for a trip?

When planning for a trip or getaway, we tend to do a lot of research before selecting our journey in order to ensure we get the best out of the deal. Along with multiple obstacles before the main trip, this may sometimes be frustrating and half the time discourage those who aren't very enthusiatic about the trip. It would be great if planning for a trip had no stress at all but that's the ideal; reality hardly ever goes that way. Here we've come up with a list that might help when faced with travel planning stress.

1. Identify the purpose:
Let's take a step back and ask ourselves what is the main objective of the trip? Why is it that we want to go for a trip at this certain time? What are the sights or places that we want to see or visit? Maybe one might be looking for a great place to tan or to purely escape the cold or heat of the native country. These are a few questions that we have to identify which will serve as the basis of the entire journey.

2. Identify location:
After we're clear of why is it we are taking a trip be it for vacation or pure exploring, we'll have to decide on the location. When travelling alone these worries dwindle but when travelling with family or friends it might be both heaven and hell. As to why that is is due to the different ideals or expectations of every member is different. It is best to sit down and discuss thoroughly the agenda and the where and whys of the destination.

3. Research:
After determining the location of the trip, it's time to crack down and do research regarding the country we're visiting and the regualtions it has. It would make the trip smoother by understanding what the rules of the country are and prevent breaking them due to ignorance or unknown. It is also wise to understand the requirement for a visa, the local climate and how that would affect the trip. Depending on the country, the culture may be different so do read up and research beforehand.

4. Prepare:
With accomodation, plane tickets, transport all settled it's time to prepare and pack for the trip. Packing shouldn't be too big a problem with proper research. However, a lot of things can happen between the time period of planning and the actual trip so staying in constant contact with those participating in the trip and communication will definitely help. Understanding each other will also prevent us from being at each other's throats for the duration of the trip.

5. Relax:
Finally, with all things said and done, the last thing is to await the arrival day of the trip. Continue to keep in contact with the other members and keep the hype and excitement alive. Yet, getting too worked up, expecting too much or having idealistic expectations may tend to go the wrong sometimes. Hence, loosening up and not being too uptight by remember the point of the trip may help pre-travel stress and frustration during the planning period.

With that, we hope this article helps with those anxious or frustrating moments. Till next time, we wish everyone to have safe and fun travels!!

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