Friday, 18 March 2016

Dealing with Culture Shock? How ?

Do more Research 

Learn as much as you can about the new location before you go. This refers to the positive and negative sides of being in the region or country. From which sides people drive on to local cuisine and culture, sometimes even local religion, it is always good to understand more before stepping into a country. If possible, learn a few phrases of local greetings or daily conversations.

Willing to Learn

Be open-minded and willing to learning. Ask questions. If you are going to a place which has a different language or slang, consider taking a few courses in that language. One of the best way to combat cultural shock is actually to blend in the local scene. Mastering a few local “trick of the trades” will be helpful all the time.

Build new positive friendships

Even if you’ve done really good research, having someone who can help you in avoid culture shock and even coping up with the local pace. Surviving another culture is favourably easier when you have a person to guide you through the new little everyday experiences when you are travelling abroad.

Have an Adventurous Spirit

Eleanor Roosevelt once said “do something that takes courage every day,” . This is especially important for travelers when it comes to Survival 101 in a different culture. The only way to survive out of the monotonous comfort zone is to actually treat every day as an adventure ..

Stay in Touch with Family and Friends

Perhaps one of the most important element of all. This can give you some comfort while away, and it will help you to minimize reverse culture shock when you get back home. Spending some time conversing with family and friends back home will ease the anxiety of adapting to a new culture.

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