Monday, 28 March 2016

How far can your Malaysian Passport take you?

 Holding a Malaysian is a certification for that of a Malaysian citizen or one certified to stay in the country. A Malaysian passport can allow the holder to gain access to several countries without the requirement of a visa.

There are a few limitations where Malaysians are denied access to and one of these are Israel where Malaysians are completely barred from entering.

According to the Henley and Partners visa restrictions index, Malaysia's passport ranked 12th for being slightly more versatile for traversing several countries without the need to apply for a visa.

Here are a few of the countries that Malaysians can enter without much hassle. The link below leads to an official online document that provides a detailed list for countries that allow visa-free travel or countries that requires a visa.

For Malaysians planning to travel overseas to another country, do check out the link and check for the requirements of the travel destination country. Therefore, till the next time, we wish everyone to have safe and wonderful travels no mattter where one is.

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